Posted in Posts and podcasts

Casting the Reel – 1869

The Newcastle Chronicle (NSW) Tue 21st December, 1869 p2.(abridged)
There was a party gathered one Hallowe’en. They sat round the fire burning nuts and telling stories just as we do tonight. One among them was a lady newly betrothed, the gayest, the proudest, the must beautiful of them all. Her lover sat by her side. Her wild and wilful ways had often given him a heartache, but he loved her dearly.
Someone among the party dared her to go and cast the reel – through a high staircase window that looked down on a dark plantation.
The one who tries this charm must stand at a window alone while the clocks toll for midnight, and, throwing the reel, must wind the thread upon her hand, and call three times; and at the third time, if her heart fail not, they say, her future bridegroom will answer from below.
The lady I tell you of, sprung up and said she would go, for she feared nothing in this world or the next, and though her lover prayed her to remain, she still persisted.
‘You shall see,’she said, ‘whether you have a rival!’
She took a light in her hand, and went alone up the staircase. When she reached the casement she stood still and waited, minute after minute, ’til the clock sounded the first stroke of twelve. Then she flung the reel far down into the darkness, and began to wind the thread.
‘Who is there?’ she cried.
All was still, for the very wind seemed to pause and listen to her call.
Again she called;
‘Who’s there?’
This time there came a soft and smothered sound from below, as though one fetched a heavy sigh. The lady’s hand grew cold, and her breath came short; but she had a dauntless spirit, and said to herself,
‘Tis but the night wind in the trees.’
She waited. Just as the last stroke of the hour sounded, she called aloud for the third time,
‘Who is there?’
And in the stillness an awful voice came up fiom the darkness, saying;
‘I am here.’
The lady shrieked and fled downstairs. When she entered the room again, where her companions were sitting in the pleasant fire-light, she was pale and cold as a corpse. When her lover ran to meet her, she held him off and stared at him as if she scarcely knew him.
After that night she was changed. A secret fire within her seemed burning her away. Her old wild temper was gone. Her proud spirit drooped day by day, and the next Hallowe’en she lay a dying.
All through the night she lay as if asleep, but when the clock began to toll for midnight she looked up. Like one startled and afraid, she panted, in a failing voice, ‘Who is there?

Only she heard the reply.

With a shriek she fell back dead.

Her future groom had indeed called.
His name was Death.

Posted in Posts and podcasts

November Night – 1872

Warwick Examiner Sat 24th Feb 1872 p4 (abridged)

Allhallow’s Eve, the night before All Saints’ Day, being the last joyous feast of the ecclesiastical year, before Advent, was anciently kept with cheerful sociability in many rural households, by rich and the poor. It was an occasion that seemed to mark the close of the harvest season, and the beginning of winter, the time of home delights, when the comforts of a well to-do life are enjoyed. There was, moreover, a superstitious notion that on this particular sight of the year (as on the Walpurgisnacht in Germany; which is made such a strange, wild time in Goethe’s ‘Faust’) all the fiends, imps, goblins, witches, and other un-blessed agents of supernatural power would come out and frisk about the world till daylight or cockcrow. Hence it was supposed to be a most favorable occasion for divining people’s fortunes by different methods of conjuration or chance experiment.
In the south of Ireland it is usual for country people to hold their sportive meetings not on the night before November 1, or All Saints’ Day, but on the eve of November 2, which is All Souls’ Day, the day appointed by the Roman Catholic Church for a solemn service for the repose of the dead. The fairies of Celtic fancy are more frolicsome than wicked, and there is something graceful and amiable in the Irish popular superstitions, compared with the ghastly horrors of Teutonic and Scandinavian
There is dipping for sixpences, to be caught up with the teeth at the bottom of a tub of water. There is bobbing for apples, fastened alternately with lighted candles around a hoop, suspended and kept twirling at the level of the lips, so that one risks being burnt in the attempt to snatch a
morsel. There is, of course, the prescribed ordeal of burning pairs of chestnuts to represent pairs of lovers, and to show which of the two is destined to bounce off, or whether they shall remain constant to each other in one steady flame of affection. But the Irish festive fortune-tempters have another method peculiar to themselves.
Three or four saucers are placed on the table, in one of which is laid a ring, which denotes marriage; in the second a lump of clay, signifying death; and into the third is poured water, the meaning of which is the sea-that is emigration across the Atlantic. There may be a fourth saucer, containing salt, which means the the person is to be preserved, during the year, from all those fates. A man or woman is blind folded, and the saucers are then changed or shifted, after which he or she is bidden to lay hands upon one of them. The one so accidentally touched is a sure token of what will befall him or her within the next twelvemonth.